Talk to Frank - Honest information about drugs
0300 1236600

Inspire Preston

About this service

Community drug and alcohol service. On accessing our service you will be supported by a member of the team in assessing your needs and developing an individualised recovery action plan. You will be allocated a key worker who will conduct a full assessment of your needs and work with you to develop a recovery action plan.

Our services include:

  • Drop in service for new clients to be fast tracked into treatment
  • Advice and information on substance misuse and reducing substance misuse related harm
  • Assessment and individualised care planning
  • A range of brief intervention programmes
  • Information, advice and support in accessing other groups and organisations
  • Health promotion and health screening, e.g. smoking cessation, dental care
  • Blood borne virus advice and information around HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis, testing and vaccinations
  • Psychosocial interventions to improve your motivation to change and build your strengths
  • Advice and information for carers and family members who are providing support
  • Substitute prescribing including liaison with GPs
  • Detoxification whilst staying at home
  • Access to inpatient detoxification
  • Assessment and referral to residential rehabilitation
  • Aftercare Support for remaining drug/alcohol free
  • Access to complementary therapies (where available)
  • Support from a specialist key worker
  • Family groups

Offers access to specialist staff if you also have mental health problems, are pregnant, involved in the criminal justice system, are in insecure accommodation or homeless, etc.

Referral (how to access this service)

Self referral via Community Referral Line on 01772 366 120, or via other agency.

Catchment (areas they serve)

Central Lancashire


St Wilfrid's Building, Fox Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2AB
View on Google Maps

Opening times

Core hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, however we offer appointments outside these times where required.

Get in touch