Talk to Frank - Honest information about drugs
0300 1236600

ARCH - Hillingdon

About this service

ARCH is a free and confidential service for young people and adults who live or are registered with a GP in Hillingdon. Many people turn to drink or drugs as a way of dealing with negative feelings, such as depression, stress, trauma or anxiety. We work with people at any stage of their alcohol or drug difficulties to provide a single point of access to assessment and treatment, for problems.

We recognise the importance of providing treatment for both the substance misuse problem, as well as any associated emotional / mental health issues.

Our service includes:

  • Assessment and individual personal recovery plans
  • Advice and information on reducing harm
  • Needle exchange
  • Specialist psychosocial interventions
  • Specialist pharmacological treatments for help with drug and alcohol problems
  • Specialist detoxification programmes to manage withdrawal symptoms and safely wean you off drugs and alcohol
  • One-to-one and group therapies aimed at getting to the core of the problem
  • Motivation and support from those that have previously had problems with alcohol or drugs
  • Group activities and social networks, including men and women’s groups, relapse prevention and life skills advice
  • Joint working with employment agencies, training providers and housing associations to help you get back on track
  • Evening and weekend social drop-in and activities with the opportunity to volunteer and build new social networks to help your recovery.

Referral (how to access this service)

Referrals to these teams can be made through by a health professional (GP, social worker or other) by completing the referral form.

Catchment (areas they serve)

London Borough of Hillingdon


Old Bank House, 64 High Street, Uxbridge, Greater London, UB8 1JP
View on Google Maps

Opening times

Monday to Friday 9am -5pm

Get in touch