Talk to Frank - Honest information about drugs
0300 1236600

Concerned about a parent’s drug or alcohol use?

If your parents have a problem with drugs or alcohol, it can be a difficult and unsettling experience. Their behaviour might be strange, they might become unreliable, and unable to look after you and keep you safe. You might be worried about them coming to harm or getting in trouble. You might also feel angry, let down or scared.

Whatever you are feeling, it's important that you know that their alcohol or drug use is not your fault and that you are not alone.

If you're worried about a parent’s alcohol or drug use or you are worried about the impact it is having on their ability to look after you, the first thing you should do is talk to someone. You could talk to a friend, a relative or an adult you can trust. You could also speak confidentially to a Childline counsellor online via or over the phone on 0800 111. You could also talk to other children and young people on their message boards who might be going through something similar to you.

There is also a free support group for 12-17 year olds whose parents use alcohol called Alateen. You can call them on 020 7539 2070 or visit to find out if there are any local in person or online meetings you can attend to talk and meet other teenagers.

For confidential advice on alcohol or drugs you could talk to FRANK by calling 0300 123 6600, texting 82111 or chatting online.

In an emergency, for example if you feel unsafe or your parent needs urgent medical help, call 999. If your parent needs medical help, tell the operator and paramedics which drugs they have taken if you know it as it could save their life.

How can I stop my parent drinking or taking drugs?

You can't force your parent to do something that they don't want to, and it isn't your fault if they don't want to stop drinking or taking drugs.

There are local free alcohol and drug services that can help. They are used to working with parents, and many parents who go to them will get better. Your parents can find these on FRANK, get help/support near you.