Talk to Frank - Honest information about drugs

Magic mushrooms

‘Shrooms or ‘magic mushrooms’ grow in the wild. They can be swallowed or made into tea.

Also called:

  • Agaric
  • Amani
  • Liberties
  • Liberty Caps
  • Magics
  • Mushies
  • Philosopher's Stones
  • Shrooms

Quick info

How the drug works varies from person to person

How you might feel

Giggly, excited, confused and/or paranoid, anxious, overwhelmed.

Read more about how it feels

Effects on your body

Nausea/vomiting, distortion of sound and vision - hallucinations and ‘tripping’.

Read more about effects on your body

How long it takes to work

Can take more than 30 mins to work so wait before you take another dose.

Read more about how long it takes to work

How long the effects last

The effects can last up to 5 hours.

Read more about how long the effects last

Common risks

Eating a poisonous mushroom by mistake is a big risk if you don’t know what you’re eating. If you feel unhappy or are with people you don’t trust, then you’re more likely to have a bad time.

Read more about the risks

Mixing drugs

Mixing drugs is always risky but some mixtures are more dangerous than others.

Read more about mixing with other drugs

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