Honest informationabout drugs
Facts about drugs…
Below are some of our most commonly searched drugs. Select any of these drugs to find out further information.
NOS is a colourless gas sold in canisters, usually inhaled using a balloon.
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Sold as a grainy white or light brown powder. Looks similar to cocaine but is a very different drug.
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‘Shrooms or ‘magic mushrooms’ grow in the wild. They can be swallowed or made into tea.
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Benzodiazepines are prescription drugs that can be used to treat anxiety. ‘Street benzos’ are illicit drugs that are similar but can be far more dangerous. Some drugs are increasingly cut with dangerous synthetic opioids like nitazenes, which have killed 100s of people in the UK in the past year. This is happening in a wide range of drugs, not just heroin, and you can never really know what is in any street or counterfeit drug. [Find out more about the risks and what to do here.](https://www.talktofrank.com/news/dangerousdrugs "Dangerous drugs")
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A recreational/club drug taken as ecstasy pills or as MDMA powder.
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A white powder stimulant that is normally snorted or rubbed into the gums.
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Cannabis is a plant-based drug. It can be smoked, eaten or vaped.
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Vapes are electronic devices designed to allow people to inhale nicotine in a vapour. Using a vape is known as vaping. Vapes are also available without nicotine.
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